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The People’s Think Tank

A think tank created to address a social problem or take advantage of an opportuntiy without the people is much like a doctor practicing medicine without a patient.

The People’s Think Tank

What is Star Bright?

A community of people

  • who seek to understand society as it truly is,
  • who recognize our knowledge about our world may be less than perfect, and
  • who seek to use a better understanding of the scheme of things to improve the Quality of Life (QOL) for ourselves, for our families, for our community, and for humanity.

We represent no religious, political, commercial, or special interest group. We focus on no specific social problem or opportunity. Our focus is on the big picture of where civilization is headed. We strive to seperate symptom from core causes. We seek change agent strategies that can alter the course.

Problems and Opportunities

Let us start by listing as many problems and opportunities of the recent past and today.

Quality of Life Meter

A fundamental problem when undertaking an effort to create a better world is deciding what is better. Our resolution is to define a measure for the quality of life. This allows us to compare the current value and expected value for change efforts.

Community Outreach

Computer Simulation and a Theory of Society

There is a lot of detail involved in analyzing the status of civilization and forecasting change agent actions. We use computer simulation to manage the detail. Our approach uses a new simulation technique based on a certain theory of society.

Research Projects

For most issues and opportunities there is a lot of information readiy available on the internet. Ocassionaly we come across something that requires a more in depth research effort.

Will the Real Problem Stand Up?

Are we treating symptoms rather than the root cause of our unsolved problems and our opportunities not pursued? We have solved an impressive list of problems and developed many opportunities. The effect on our quality of life has been dramatic. Our failures are also dramatic and significant. Are we missing some underlying cause for our failures?

This card is deliberately left blank. It is for you, dear reader, to fill in. Please, think about our society and let us know what you think the Star Bright Community should think about.

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