Stacey: No Time for Dates

Stacey’s father, Tom, a councilor at the high school, had expressed a concern about how much time his daughter was spending at the ballet studio. He felt she should be spending more time with her academic subjects. She was a college bond ‘A+’ student. Then one day he relayed some phone calls that he had over heard. A boy called and Tom heard her say, no she could not go out that night she had to go to ballet class. The next day she got a call from a different boy and was heard to say, no she could not go out anytime over the weekend as she was rehearsing for Sleeping Beauty. After a similar third call Michael decided it was OK for Stacey to spend any amount of time she wanted to at the ballet studio. Some years later the ballet company was holding a fund raising diner party. Stacey was in town and was asked to speak at the event. She accepted saying she would love to talk about how important those years were to her. Bear in mind that Stacey is intelligent and very put together. As her senior project she did a series of news stories as the host of a talk show. She was very composed and extremely professional. At the fund raiser whenever she tried talking about how important and meaningful the ballet had been she kept breaking down unable to contain her emotions.

Provided by Wayne Angel for Northern California Ballet

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