Independent researchers creating the machinery of historical prediction.

The Historical Prediction Research Institute (HPRI) is a nonprofit research organization.

We are independent of any political, governmental, commercial, and religious affiliations. We do not reject these arenas. We freely borrow the wisdom each of these have achieved. Their agenda is, however, not our agenda.

We do not accept donations that would compromise our independence, which unfortunately is pretty much the case with all of the major foundations. On the other hand such funding is often difficult to obtain. We prefer to rely on a large number of small donations.

Our MISSION is to find a path to a better world and improve our species long term prospects.

Our METHOD is to combine art and science. We use mathematics and science to ensure that our designs for a better society will work. We use art and the humanities to ensure it will be a place for the human spirit to grow.

We are currently supporting four research projects;

  1. The Theoretical Basis for Historical Prediction,
  2. Human System Simulation Software,
  3. Star Bright Community Outreach to support the first two, and
  4. Data visualization techniques for presenting the future.

The following is taken from “Contact” by Carl Sagan

“I want to know what you think of us,” she said shortly, “what you really think.” He did not hesitate for a moment. “All right. I think it’s amazing that you’ve done as well as you have. You’ve got hardly any theory of social organization, astonishingly backward economic systems, no grasp of the machinery of historical prediction, and very little knowledge about yourselves. Considering how fast your world is changing, it’s amazing you haven’t blown yourselves to bits by now. That’s why we don’t want to write you off just yet. You humans have a certain talent for adaptability – at least in the short term.”

(full dialogue)