Civilization Simulations
What We Have Learned

One of the great benefits of writing computer simulations is the annoying fact one must be very explicite about every cause and effect relationship. You are forced to face your ignorance. It is at this moment the opportunity for learning, improved understanding, and discovery presents itself.

This section introduces several discoveries that we made in building the Star Bright Civilization Simulation. (For more information go to the Library for articles describing the Star Bright Simulations).

Something Significant Changed 60,000 Years Ago

Prior to 60,000 years ago our ancesters migrated out of Sub-Sahara Africa twice. Both migrations died out. But 60,000 years ago the third attempt succeeded leading to humanity becoming the dominate life form across the planet. What was different? How does that difference impact society today?

We Ate Our Way to Dominating the Planet

Once out of Africa our ancesters had to get past the European wall of our evolutionary hominide cousins; Neanderthal, Denisovans, and Erectus. They had been in place for at least 150,000 years before Sapiens arrived. Yet in a few thousand years they were gone and Sapiens were moving across the entire globe. What was different about Sapiens? How does that difference impact society today?

The Recent Dramatic Increase in the Quality of Life

Up until 150 years ago the average life time for our species was 29 years. 50% of children died before reaching puberty. Then in the last 150 years life span increased by a factor of almost three and the child death rate dropped to 0.43%. 100 times improvement. 150 years is 1/2 of 1 hundreth of 1 percent of the time we have been here. Draw a line 20 feet long to represent the time Sapiens have been around. 150 years is represented by the last 1/8 of an inch.

It’s not just life span, our entire quality of life has increased dramatically in the last 150 years. How and Why? Will this continue?

The End of Empires

The history of civilization has been dominated by the building and eventual collapse of empires. No longer. The empire, as a form of rule, is dead. The consequence to our future is emense.

Self Domestication Continues

The Civilization Simulation tracks against historical and present day data better if the self-domestication mimeme complex is included and evolving toward improved cooperation in a complex world.

More to Come