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Quality of life and what people want

In order to analyze potential change agent intervention to seek a path to a better future we need some means of comparing choices.  It does not need to be a precise or definitive measurement of value but at least a guideline.  A final ranking of value of different change actions will need to be done by multiple individuals.  I am leaning in the direction that we may need multiply ranking approaches.  

I found that there appear to be three leading theories of motivation regarding employees in the workplace.  They are Maslow Hierarchy, Hertzberg Two Factor Theory, and McClelland's Three Needs Theory. (see and  I am starting to lean in the direction that we need all three.  Most people will fit into one of the three.  Using only one of them leaves many people out.  The above  references are oriented to employees in the workplace.  They need to be adjusted to people in society.

Please offer thoughts and suggestions.