We need help with the Star Bright Community Stories Collaboration Project. Click here to read about this project.

We need help with community outreach; reading groups, podcasts, videos, campfires (blogs). These are things that have monetization potential which then allows us to pay people for their time.

We need people to research a topic, read the current literature, summarize it, identify what’s working and not working, how it effects our quality of life, etc. A sample topic list includes

The complete list used in Civilization Simulation version 2 is available here. And the requirements document for the Sim v2 is available here.

We need people to lead reading and discussion groups on topics such as the above.

We need help with the “Democracy Challenge.” There are some measures of democracy that indicate a recent decline and several challenges that are confronting democracy. A first draft of “The Democracy Challenge” is available here. We need help researching several issues. This is particularly import as input to the Star Bright Civilization Simulation. The issues raised here will affect the future of humankind.

We also need help with “The Global Market Challenge.” This document has not been started. Every since Adam Smith economic theory has held that a free market tends to generate wealth and benefits for society at large. And yet there seems to be a problem. This can be stated as the free market economy is a type of competitive game. Any competitive game will have winners and losers. Winners who repeatedly win become extremely rich. This is leading to a very skewed distribution of wealth. What does economic theory have to say and what are the realities of this highly skewed distribution? This is a critical topic for the Simulation.

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