Community Stories

Every Day People Are Making Our World Better!
These Are Their Stories.

  1. Chiara’s Year as an Exchange Student <article draft version>
  2. Keep Them Busy <to be written>
  3. Behind the Curtain at Northern California Ballet <to be written>

Situation Briefs

  1. Information Overload or Noise <to be written>
  2. The Age of Complexity <to be written>
  3. The Democracy Challenge <article draft version>
  4. The Global Market Challenge <to be written>
  5. Will We Ever Be Rid of Violence and War? <to be written>
  6. Will Life Span Continue to Increase? <article will soon be released>
  7. Education <to be written>
  8. Law and Order <to be written>
  9. An Aging Population <to be written>
  10. Substsnce Abuse <to be written>
  11. Poverty <to be written>
  12. International Power Landscape <to be written>
  13. Equal Rights <to be written

Simulation Discoveries

  1. What Happened 60,000 Years Ago ? <to be written>
  2. How We Ate Our Way to World Dominance <to be written>
  3. The Violence of Our Ancestors Echos Down to Today <to be written>
  4. The First Population Bomb <to be written>
  5. Agriculture Began When There Was No More Migration Space <to be written>
  6. The End of Empire <to be written>
  7. The Age of Complexity <to be written>
  8. How Climate Change Will Affect You Based on Your Work and Location <to be written>


Episode 1: What is Star Bright
Episode 2: We Have a Choice


Under construction


Star Bright Documentation

Star Bright Civilization Simulation User Requirements (ver. 2.3) <document>

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